The Number One Sport

Ramzey, England

The British Red Cross, as well as being part of the world’s largest humanitarian network, is also the biggest independent provider of support to refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK. The organisation has been supporting refugees since before the First World War and today their work ranges from providing food, clothing and learning opportunities to reuniting families who have been separated as a result of conflict, disaster or persecution.

Surviving to Thriving is a project which supports unaccompanied asylum seekers and refugees aged 11-25. The project provides these young people with life and leadership skills, advice, and mental health support so that they can rebuild their lives and thrive in the UK. This included an Easter football tournament, bringing together children and young people accessing young refugee projects in London and Birmingham. British Red Cross refugee services often organise one-off or regular football activities in partnership with local coaches and clubs. 

Can you tell us your personal story?

My name is Ramzey and I come from Darfur in Sudan. I left my home and arrived in England in 2017. I am now living near Birmingham and I study Public Services at College. I have completed one year out of three years. I work part-time in a warehouse. When I finish studying, I would like to become an ambulance driver.

I did not play football before I came to England, but I now play football with my friends. A lot of them come from other countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. My other hobbies are climbing and cycling.

In the future I want to become a football coach for children and young people. I am not the best player, but I know a lot about football.

What did you try to show with the photos? Was there any wider meaning with the photos?

In London at a British Red Cross tournament I wanted to show my friend was a good player and I wanted to capture everyone having fun playing football.

Why is football important to you? 

Football is good exercise and it is important to keep fit, and football is a fun way to do that. You can also make a lot of friends because it brings you closer together. It makes me happy and I have a lot of fun when I play and even when I watch games on the TV. If you become a good player you can even play in the World Cup, and that is something very cool.

How important is football in your community?

Sudanese people like football, they like football because you can become famous but also because playing with others brings people closer together. Everybody loves football, it is the number one sport in the world, and it is what makes me happy at the moment.


Goal Click Refugees is an ongoing project collaborating with refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced people from around the world. 

Created in partnership with UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, our ambition is to highlight the important role football can play in rebuilding the lives of displaced people and supporting integration into host communities.


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