Football Means Fun

Deborah & Jerimiah, Nottingham

We partnered with Nottingham City Council to share the personal stories of young people who took part in their Holiday Activity Fund (HAF) programme - an initiative led by the government aimed at providing support to young people during holiday periods.

Deborah (10) and Jerimiah (9) were participants with The Renewal Trust and told us about their experiences with the programme.

Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your football life? 

Deborah: My name is Deborah and I am ten years old. I have been playing football since I was four years old. I play for my school football team. 

Jerimiah: My name is Jerimiah, I am nine years old and I live in Nottingham. I started playing football when I was five years old. I play for my school team and also another team.

What did you try to show with the photos? Was there any wider meaning?

D: I showed my friends and different activities. The photos were taken at the Brendon Lawrence Sports Centre. My favourite photo is the one on the climbing wall. 

J: In the photos are my sister, my friends and me. They were taken at Brendon Lawrence Sports Center. I tried to show the fun activities that we get to do at our sessions. My favourite photo is of the climbing wall, as I loved this activity. 

What do you like about Free Fun & Food (FFF)? How has it helped you?

D: I have made friendships and I like all the different activities we get to take part in. I really enjoyed going up on the climbing wall. I know that whenever I go to FFF I will have fun and that you can always ask for help. The people at FFF have helped me if I am upset and also encouraged me to do new activities. 

J: The staff at FFF encourage me to try new things and help with any problems I have. I like turning up and having fun, making friends and trying different activities. I really enjoyed going on the climbing wall, and also when we got to play dodgeball. FFF has really helped me build my confidence. 

What does football mean to you? 

D: Football means fun, as I am happy when I am playing football. 

J: Football makes me happy. I would love to become a professional footballer, and I will never give up on my dreams. 

What do you think the future looks like for football in Nottingham and England? 

D: I would like to see more girls encouraged to play football, and to not be shy. I would like it if there were also more mixed football teams.

J: I want it to be easier to find teams and for everyone to be able to play. I feel like opportunities to play are just for really good players, and not for everyone.


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