Giving People Like Me A Chance

Chanel, Nottingham

We partnered with Nottingham City Council to share the personal stories of young people who took part in their Holiday Activity Fund (HAF) programme - an initiative led by the government aimed at providing support to young people during holiday periods.

Chanel, 16, was a participant with Nottinghamshire Cricket Club and told us about her experiences with the programme

Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your football life? 

My name is Chanel. I am 16 years old and from the Sneinton area of Nottingham. I have been playing football since I was six years old. I started in a boys’ grassroots team and as I got older I moved into girls’ football. Last year I started playing for the Nottingham Forest Ladies U19s team. 

What did you try to show with the photos? Was there any wider meaning?

The photos were taken in Melbourne Park in Nottingham, and some were taken out on the field we play on. Most of the photos are of the children that attend the sessions but some are also of the staff who help us. 

I tried to show the children having a good time and taking part in the activities. I think I was just laughing and smiling when I took most of them.

Are there any good memories you have of the people at Free Fun & Food (FFF)? 

We create new memories at each and every session. Maybe from this last session, I would say the day where we made everyone Christmas dinner. It was such an amazing session, just to see all the children enjoying their dinner and playing traditional Christmas Day games. 

What do you like about FFF? How has it helped you?

I love the fact that FFF gives people like me a chance. I was just a normal kid that attended sessions along with my younger brother. Now I am part of the staff and I really feel like I am achieving something. 

The people here have helped me gain confidence in my abilities. I think I now know what I would like to do when I finish school later this year. They have put me on a course suitable for my age, something that I would never have had the chance to do.

What does football mean to you? 

Football has been my whole childhood, it is where I have made life long friends and created some of my most cherished memories. I would love to say I am going to play for England but right now I would be happy playing at a great level. 

What do you think the future looks like for football in Nottingham and England? 

I do not think the future of football in Nottingham looks that great. There are not enough opportunities for children my age and facilities are struggling to run and keep kids engaged.

Goal Click Originals

We find real people from around the world to tell stories about their football lives and communities. Sharing the most compelling stories, from civil war amputees in Sierra Leone and football fans in Argentina, to women’s football teams in Pakistan and Nepal. We give people the power, freedom and control to tell their own story. Showing what football means to them, their community and their country.


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