Fulham, Football, Family

Abu Alqasim Zain Alabideen, England

Fulham FC Foundation is the official charity of Fulham Football Club, committed to a vision for a healthy, inclusive and thriving community. The Foundation has been delivering Premier League Kicks for over a decade. When the Foundation realised their Kicks football sessions were attracting young refugees they decided, in partnership with local refugee groups, to create their own Refugee Football Clubs.

The Foundation now offers 4 regular Refugee Football Clubs and has well over 100 participants attending every week. The participants regularly play in Fulham FC Foundation Kicks tournaments and participate in social action projects and educational opportunities.

Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your football life?

My name is Abu, I am 20 and am from Sudan. I left Sudan for my safety as if I stayed my life would be at risk. I arrived in the UK in 2018 and since arriving I have had the opportunity to play football more. When living in Sudan I did not get as many opportunities to do so. I played football before coming to the UK, but we did not have real footballs to play with - so some people might think that it was not football. When I was in Sudan, we would have to use old socks and t-shirts to make a ball. 

The Fulham FC Kicks program has helped and supported me to play football by providing many activities that I can join. Fulham FC plays a big role in my life - without football and Fulham I would not have been given many of the opportunities that I have. I get to play, have weekly professional coaching, I have made new friends, and I have been able to watch my first professional football game at the Fulham stadium. Fulham FC has provided a lot of activities to keep me occupied over the years and without this, my life in the UK may have been more difficult.

What did you try to show with the photos? Was there any wider meaning with the photos?

The photos are taken at the places where I enjoy playing football most of the time – Trinity School, Black Prince Trust, Chestnut Grove, and my local park Figges Marsh, where I go to train at times by myself or join in football matches with locals from all backgrounds. There was a friendly football match with others that live locally. The other team members are all from Ukraine, but I am the only person from Sudan.

I also attend weekly sessions at Chestnut Grove with Kicks. Here I get the chance to develop my skills with professional coaches. I also play at Lavender Park - I like to play here as I can go at any time and there are always others playing who are very welcoming. 

I tried to show that I love playing football and will use any opportunity to do so. I am willing to play and practice alone, be a part of a team, as well as join in football with others that I may not know. Some photos were taken on a day I played very well, and I assisted with a goal. My Key Worker says that I am always happy when playing football. 

Can you tell us the personal story of anyone else in the photographs?

There is a photo of my friend at my local park Figges Marsh. I met him three years ago when I first moved to the area. I did not know many people at the time, but we became friends by playing football together. We would contact each other when we wanted to play football. This helped me through lockdown as I could meet him in the park (sticking to the regulations) and play football.

Why is football important to you and your community?

Football can bring people together from all backgrounds. Football has changed me as a person. Since I first started playing football at Chestnut Grove Academy, I have gained more confidence which has also helped me improve my English. I have met many new people and made many friends that have supported me over the past two years. It helps people like me who have no family to be able to be part of something and feel that I belong. Playing football has helped me to release stress and occupied me so that I would not feel bored, especially through the COVID pandemic.

What ambitions do you have for the future?

I would love to play professional football for Fulham or Liverpool, but I will continue studying IT while I work in a hotel. If I cannot become a professional footballer, I would like to teach kids to play football in the same way that I have been supported to. I have done the EE Playmaker course to start my journey to become a coach and now I am just waiting for the next opportunity to do that.


Goal Click Refugees is an ongoing project collaborating with refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced people from around the world. 

Created in partnership with UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, our ambition is to highlight the important role football can play in rebuilding the lives of displaced people and supporting integration into host communities.


Football Has Changed My Life


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