From Syria to Saudi

Safa Fedda, Saudi Arabia

Safa Fedda is a Syrian goalkeeper currently playing and coaching in Saudi Arabia. She tells of fleeing Syria due to the war, winning awards for her performances, and growing the women’s game in the country.

Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your current football life?

My name is Safa Fedda. I am from Syria, and I currently live in Saudi Arabia. I play as a goalkeeper. I started playing football in 2000 when I was a child and played in my first official tournament in 2004. I played in all age groups up to the first team with Damascene Al Muhafazah Club, and with the national Syrian women’s team. I participated in many tournaments inside and outside Syria.

I left my country because of the war. Life became very difficult, and the football activity for girls stopped during the war. I had to leave Syria to look for a safe and good chance in life.

In Saudi Arabia, I have also participated in many tournaments. Last season I won the award for best goalkeeper when I was playing for Alyamamah Club in the Saudi Women’s League. Now I play for RTC, a new team affiliated with the Saudi Football Association and coach football at the Real Madrid Club Academy in Riyadh.

What has been your football journey up until now?

I started in the world of football when I was a child. I suffered a little because some people and society at the time refused to believe a girl could participate in playing football, and it was originally only for boys. In general, people reject unfamiliar or strange things, even if they are good and beneficial for everyone.

Many people were trying to prevent me from playing football because I am a girl, especially some of my school teachers, but my family has always supported me and stood by me to achieve my dreams and goals. They always went with me to attend my matches and training, and this is the most beautiful thing I have ever had in my life.

What did you try to show with the photos? Was there any wider meaning?

The photos are from the places where I play and train, whether on the training ground or in our stadiums.

I tried to show the positive and gentle side of football. We all have eyes, but not everyone has the same view or opinion. When I take a photo, I choose a corner or aspect of life, or I see something that no one else has seen. I tried to show the diversity and difference that everybody sees in the same thing.

Why is football important to you and your community?

Football is important to me because it is not just a game, it is part of life. This life is full of hope, pain, difficulties, love, passion, work, sometimes sadness, patience, persistence, challenge, and I am a girl who loves challenges. It is also important to society because it is a positive aspect of life. For example, playing football helps with self-discipline, tolerance, and spreading positive messages in general. This is especially true amongst the younger generation, who by practicing football can make it a lifestyle choice.

Football is a positive aspect of my life. I have many wonderful friends and acquaintances, and it always helps me to be patient and persistent to achieve my goals.

What ambitions do you have for the future?

My ambition is to continue learning and training and always develop myself. I want to obtain the highest training certificates and practical experiences and use this knowledge to develop and support football, especially women's football around the world. I would like to be able to take a degree in football sciences. Learning is continuous and I always try to keep developing myself, exchanging experiences with everyone. I aim to leave a positive imprint on life.

What are the current opportunities for women’s footballers in Saudi Arabia?

The opportunities for Saudi women’s soccer players are great. They have started making history in a short time and are still continuing. The Saudi Women’s League this season was strong and competitive, due to the foreign professionalism of many players from outside Saudi Arabia. They are really wonderful players. They have great ambition and determination and work hard to reach the world.

The changes that I have seen in general in women’s soccer around the world are that there is more and more interest and the culture of women's football is spreading rapidly. Many societies in the world support women's football. Also, the wages of women’s players in some countries of the world are starting to become equal to the wages of men. Women’s football in Saudi Arabia has a wonderful future as it is in continuous development, and they have a clear plan of action with a big goal.


Goal Click Refugees is an ongoing project collaborating with refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced people from around the world. 

Created in partnership with UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, our ambition is to highlight the important role football can play in rebuilding the lives of displaced people and supporting integration into host communities.


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