Strength And Determination

Nawras Abdulrahman Daqqa, Palestine

Nawras Abdulrahman Daqqa is a physical education teacher from Tulkarm in Palestine. He is a coach with Palestine Sports for Life (PS4L) and a qualified referee.

Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your current football life?

My name is Nawras Abdulrahman Daqqa, and I am 25 years old. I am originally from the city of Tulkarm in the State of Palestine. Currently, I am a physical education teacher at Attil Secondary School in the West Bank.

My passion for football started in 2008. I was a fan of Attil’s football team. Seeing the youth of my town play with neighboring cities and villages, I was motivated and passionate to play football myself and pursue a degree in physical education. I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in 2015 and started to work in Attil Sports Club as a coach and trainer for youth teams. Later on, I gained the experience and qualifications needed to start refereeing football matches for the Palestine Football Association.

What did you try to show with the photos? Was there any wider meaning?

The photos were taken at Nablus Stadium and show players from the football academy in the city of Nablus, Palestine. The broader meaning of the photos was to depict the power of sports in uniting communities even during difficult times.

These young boys love to play football and they play the game constantly out of sheer passion and drive. Every single one has their own story of how they discovered the game of football and began playing it.

My favorite photo is where one player catches his friend and saves him from falling down. This has a strong meaning, showing that on the pitch we are one, as well as showing that we love and respect each other.

What are the opportunities for women’s footballers in Palestine?

The opportunities for women in football are unfortunately limited. However, some women play in women’s football clubs and the national football team, create their own football coaching sessions for beginners, or become referees. A great example of this is PS4L coach Yumon Masri, who holds a football session every Friday.

Why is football so important for Palestine and its people?

The game of football is important since it has the potential to highlight the political situation and national name of the State of Palestine worldwide. Similar to other occupied and struggling countries, representing Palestine on international platforms is very important to spreading awareness of what is occurring in Palestine.

Through playing football, Palestinians challenge the Israeli occupation by showing the strength and determination Palestinians have, even while facing many obstacles imposed on them from the Occupation.

My main obstacles due to the Occupation are checkpoints or the closing of roads, when I am traveling from city to city to go to matches. Most of my matches are in places within Area C in the West Bank. It is difficult to reach these areas, and sometimes clashes occur around these fields making it an unsafe area.

How did COVID-19 affect football in your community?

The COVID-19 pandemic greatly affected the already struggling Palestinian community. Many people were unable to work and this resulted in many cases of poverty. On the other hand, there were those who took advantage of the crisis and exploited the financially struggling community by raising the prices of important goods. This included safety materials that were needed for protection against the virus. This led many to put aside football for a period of time in order to address their basic needs.

What impact has PS4L had on your life?

From my experience at Palestine Sports for Life (PS4L), I was able to gain many teaching skills that made me a more well-rounded physical education teacher. Through the organization, I was able to develop and change the quality of my sessions by using new games that intertwined life skills with various sports. Furthermore, I picked up a valuable skill, which was being able to strategically innovate my own small games accordingly.

What are your ambitions?

I strive to develop myself and my skills in becoming a well-versed football coach. I also aspire to develop my referee experience in order to pursue and obtain an international badge in refereeing.

Goal Click Originals

We find real people from around the world to tell stories about their football lives and communities. Sharing the most compelling stories, from civil war amputees in Sierra Leone and football fans in Argentina, to women’s football teams in Pakistan and Nepal. We give people the power, freedom and control to tell their own story. Showing what football means to them, their community and their country.


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