Building a Purpose-Driven Business

At Goal Click, we believe in the power of being a purpose-driven business, both for ourselves and for the wider world. Our purpose is to inspire global understanding through sport. This means using the power of sport to foster a mutual appreciation and awareness of diverse cultures and perspectives.

This isn't just a noble goal - it's the backbone of our business. This sense of purpose drives everything we do, influencing our decisions and actions on a daily basis. Whether it’s being conscious of the types of organisations we partner with, or dedicating resources to impact storytelling. By committing to a clearly defined purpose, we find our way through the competitive world of sports and media with a clear sense of direction, like following a North Star.

Four Pillars of Impact

Purpose requires action to be realised; without it, purpose becomes an unhelpful and misleading theory. 

At Goal Click we are committed to creating change in four ways:

  1. Pledging 1% to Common Goal: supporting global football initiatives that work towards an equal and sustainable future for all.

  2. Committing to sustainable practices: our user-generated approach means we can capture global campaigns without any need for international travel. For example, with ThinkMarkets and Liverpool FC we successfully took on the challenge of capturing live content in eight different markets across two matches during the Christmas season.

  3. Dedicating resource to impact projects: we commit time, financial resources, and our storytelling expertise to supporting non-profit partners and voices we feel need to have a platform. This includes our ongoing Goal Click Refugees series in collaboration with UNHCR, with over 70 stories published to date.

  4. Supporting storytellers: We provide financial support and consultation to storytellers who bring light to social issues, helping them make their voices heard and their stories resonate across the globe.

Profit and Impact: A Harmonious Relationship

The integration of purpose into business strategy is not just impactful for people and planet - it's economically smart. Studies indicate that brands with a clear purpose enjoy up to a 29% higher revenue growth compared to those without. Moreover, 89% of consumers are more likely to stay loyal to brands that share their values. This isn't just about being good; it's about being good for business.

For us at Goal Click, profitability is not only an end in itself but also a means to generate greater impact. In today’s world, marked by numerous social and environmental challenges, adopting a purpose-driven business model is not just beneficial - it’s essential.

A Sustainable Business Model That Thrives on Purpose

Our journey at Goal Click shows that a purpose-driven business model does not compromise commercial success. On the contrary, it enhances it. We have been commissioned by the likes of UNICEF, Laureus, and adidas to produce impactful storytelling series that shine a light on global issues and community initiatives. By aligning our business practices with our mission, we not only create impactful change but also build a resilient, thriving business. 

In essence, at Goal Click, we believe that purpose and profit are not just compatible - they are complementary. This belief is what keeps us moving, guiding us to success, both as a business and as a positive force in the world.


Reimagining Content for Awards Ceremonies